Welcome To Cross Creek Church!
Cross Creek Church strives to be a place for all people to belong. Whether you grew up in church, walked away from the church, or have never been before, we would love to get to know you. Click below to learn more about Cross Creek and plan your visit.

We believe in and worship the One True God as revealed in the Bible as Yahweh, the I AM , and the Creator of all things. God is self-existing and complete and his deepest core attribute is love. He has created humanity to love and worship him and to represent him in the world. We believe that God is Triune, that he is One and indivisible in essence, but three in personality and function. These three distinct persons of the Trinity have been revealed to us in the Bible as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.

We believe that Jesus is the full embodiment of God in the form of man. Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, God the Son. Jesus is fully equal and unified to God the Father in power and divinity, has always existed and is preeminent with the Father and yet, in perfect humility, is also fully submissive to God the Father’s will and direction. We believe Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s plan to rescue the world and that he is the Savior of humanity.

The Church
We believe that the Church is the people of God that have been saved by Jesus and are united together by the Spirit. A local church exists to be a place for believers to gather together, to encourage one another towards love and good works, to sing songs to God, study to Scripture together, and to reach those in the community who do not know Jesus and tell them about Him. We believe at Cross Creek that our church should be a place for everyone to belong, so that we can all find and follow Jesus.

Our weekly worship services are designed to invite people to experience the love of God. We desire to create a space where you can find and follow Jesus for yourself whether you have never heard of Jesus or grew up in the church.

We want to make sure we are doing our part to include people in our walk with God. We do this through our student ministries, community groups, d-groups and re:gen ministry.

We believe every Christian has been created to serve and our goal is that every believer will invest in the work of the Lord. The most tangible ways we can invest is with our time, talents, and treasures.
Helping others find and follow Jesus.