About Us

About Cross Creek Church

We're so glad you're here! Cross Creek Church is a church that strives to be "A Place To Belong". Whether you grew up in church, walked away from the church, or have never been before, we can't wait to meet you. Click below to learn more about our team, our beliefs, and how God has transformed Cross Creek Church over the past fifty years.

Our Discipleship Model

Our desire is to make disciples who desire to help others find and follow Jesus. Our simple "All IN" model that helps us focus on this mission.


Our weekly worship services are designed to invite people to experience the love of God. We desire to create a space where you can find and follow Jesus for yourself whether you have never heard of Jesus or grew up in the church.


We want to make sure we are doing our part to include people in our walk with God. We do this through our student ministries, community groups, d-groups and re:gen.


We believe every Christian has been created to serve and our goal is that every believer will invest in the work of the Lord. The most tangible ways we can invest is with our time, talents, and treasures.