Our Story


History of Cross Creek Church

Cross Creek Church was started with the great commission in mind and this is still the focus of our church. We are a community of believers who desire to help our friends, family and neighbors to find and follow Jesus. We believe Jesus was sent and just as He was sent, he is sending us. We not only want to reach our local community, but we want to reach the I-25 corridor with Christ and help support missionaries around the world who are proclaiming Christ to the unreached nations.

Gideon Baptist Church began in November of 1970. Pastor William Hodges was an evangelist at heart and had a God-given passion for evangelism. The church first began meeting in the basement of the Bank of Colorado on South 8th Street. Gideon purchased a church building in Holland Park in February 1972. The property was sold in July of 1975 and Gideon moved to its current location at 1320 C & S Road in July of 1980.

Rev. Chris Cooper was called to pastor Gideon in 1985 and served as pastor until Palm Sunday in 1987.

Rev. William Hodges was then called to lead Gideon as pastor once again in 1987 and faithfully led the church until he retired in 1993.

Rev. William Haas was called as Pastor in 1993 and led Gideon until 1998

Rev. William R. Black was called to lead Gideon in a time where they were hurting
and in recovery mode. He was able to stabilize the congregation and they began to
once again see God grow His Church. Robbie led Gideon from 1998 until 2008.

In July of 2008 Rev. Michael Haley was called as pastor. Michael led Cross Creek to
change its original name from Gideon Baptist Church to Cross Creek Church in January of 2010. In the summer of 2017, God allowed us to remodel our auditorium and restore it back to its original size. This allowed the size of our building to stop defining the size of the congregation. In the last 12 years through God's grace, Cross Creek has seen amazing spiritual and numerical growth.