Tragedy Into Triumph

John Anthony   -  

There are certain dates, times, or events that will always hold significance and evoke emotions in our lives. Sometimes these are good emotions and pleasant memories, and sometimes they are not. Just because there is a date or time in our lives that is important does not always mean that it is a positive event. It is often our human nature to default to the positive moments and deem them the most important, but there can also be significance and importance in negative events. This is the kind of response that is brought to my mind when I think about 9/11. For Americans this is a date that holds significance, whether or not you were there or even alive during this event; it is almost impossible to argue that it is not significant for American culture as a whole as well. This was one of the few times in American history when we were openly attacked on our own soil. Not only was this kind of event unprecedented, but it was also a shock to all those who witnessed it. It is an event that is full of suffering and tragedy – not just for those directly involved – and it was an event that united the country in a common cause through that suffering.

In this article, I want to talk about how this is relevant as Christians and what it means for us when we are a part of a tragic event whether individually or collectively. It is important to know what Scripture tells us about how we are to react to and overcome these kinds of tragic events because it is not tragic events that dictate and shape us as individuals and Christians but how we react and come through these kinds of events that truly defines us. God in all of His grace and wisdom gave us example after example of not only how to work through these trials but also how to work past them. Of course as Christians we understand that there is only one way to do this successfully, and that is with and through a relationship with Christ. Without this relationship, all of our human attempts to endure our trials will be in vain. This is a simple thing to understand, but can be a much more complex thing to put into practice as there are several implied responsibilities required with this understanding.

One of the biggest responsibilities that we have as Christians in tragic events is to reflect the love that we have because of our relationship with Christ. This is something that can be more complex than it first appears, much like understanding, dealing with, and working through such a devastating event. With 9/11, we are talking about an event that shook us to our core, not just as Americans but as human beings. When we start to think of how we can show Christ’s love and understanding when people are trying to process and understand an event like this, it can become overwhelming. Thankfully for us, there are answers in Scripture – to begin finding some of those answers, I want to look at Psalm 9:9-11. Of course it doesn’t solve our problems or even fully answer all of our questions, but it does tell us where to seek refuge, peace, and understanding.

Psalm 9:9-11 (ESV) says, “The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. Sing praises to the Lord, who sits enthroned in Zion! Tell among the peoples his deeds.”

I look at this set of Scripture and see principles that are crucial to understand when talking about processing any event of this magnitude, and this is that the Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed and a stronghold in times of trouble. This is something that should bring us immense joy and peace. This concept that as Christians we always have a stronghold in the Lord is vital to working through the events that make us struggle and question.

Anytime there is a tragic event or other hard things in life, we humans seek to understand why and how this thing happened. We feel like we have to know what caused it or allowed it to happen. Sometimes this is a question that can’t be answered or understood when we have a limited grasp of the events and the greater impact or meaning behind them. But in all of these emotions and all of the seeking for answers, we see that we have a refuge and stronghold in the Lord. This tells us that we, as believers in Christ, always have somewhere safe and protected to turn to. This Scripture tells us that no matter what happens or how the world hurts us and no matter the things we experience, much as they may try, they can never push us away from God. No matter what we have a safe place in Him – He is a stronghold. This tells us that in Him we are protected; these hardships and events can’t get to us. Now this doesn’t mean that they won’t affect us, but what it does mean is that, because we believe and trust in Christ, we always have a sanctuary when the world doesn’t make sense. We always have a protector when things beyond our comprehension and understanding occur in this world. God not only dwells in Heaven, but He is also here with all those that believe in Him.

So, when tragic events or things that seem unimaginable happen in our lives, as Christians we can take safety in knowing that He is always there as our stronghold in times of trouble. We are to sing praises to Him even when it doesn’t make sense. We are to take comfort in knowing that, no matter what events occur, we have peace in the Lord! This is the concept that kept coming to the forefront of my thoughts as I reflected on the events of 9/11 and how they forever changed our country and the people that reside in it. It is not always for us to know or understand why things happen. However, it is always up to us as Christians to know that God is a stronghold, and because of that, it is also up to us to sing His praises. We are not just to sing them to ourselves quietly but also to show them outwardly to those around us so that they too may see the peace that God can bring. Maybe others can have the same sliver of hope and understanding that we do when we turn to the stronghold we have in the Lord.